Automating tedious penetration testing tasks

Repetitive tasks can normally be automated using simple methods. Yet, in penetration testing, many things are often done manually. Here are some quick tricks on how to automate some of the most common penetration testing tasks.

The line below will open each IP and Port of all web servers (possibly determined with an nmap scan) in the iceweasel webbrowser, where the result.csv file has the syntax (ip,port). The result.csv file should only contain the ip and port you have reason to believe to potentientlly be representing a webserver/webservice. This should also be done a second time with https instead of http, to also cover encrypted webpages/services. The same syntax could also be used with dirb and other web-related tools.

for line in $(cat result.csv); do iceweasel http://$(echo $line \| cut -d “,” -f1):$(echo $line \| cut -d “,” -f2); done

To be continued


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